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Happy New Year 2016

AA 80th Convention Alcoholics Anonymous book reviews rally to face addiction recovery Sandy Beach AA Speaker Sessions by the Sea sober Steps & Stories steven tyler

News - Steps & Stories now available in Kindle through Amazon

Coming in March - Dear Friend II


2015 has been an amazing year for me on so many levels. I've found myself fully engaged back in book publishing after a 20 year hiatus. I had not realized that publishing Dear Friend as a gift for my cousin, Sandy, for his 50th anniversary (12/7/14) would launch me back into a career I loved and had not realized how much I had missed. The first six months of the year was busy time readying Steps & Stories for publication in time for the International convention in Atlanta. By brother Rick joined in the effort, from the west coast, by doing a wonderful job copy editing and proof reading. He also travelled to Atlanta to help in the booth. I could not have done it without his help. Sandy's daughter Conway was able to join us in the booth too and together the 3 cousins were able to attend the opening ceremony and celebrate AA's 80th anniversary!! All because of Sandy's words.... Thank you

I also had the opportunity for additional travel with two trips to Tampa. One to attend Sandy's memorial. And the second to go the Gasparillia Day with Conway, we had a blast catching beads and talking with some delightful young people. February and Valentine's Day brought one of the best trips of my life. I attended my nephew, Eric's, wedding in Regina, Saskatchewan. It was snowing and -35 degrees but could not have been warmer with all the love.

Early summer brought another quick trip to Florida. Then couple of boat trips with a friend to Greenport , Newport, and Nantucket rounded out the summer.

Immediately following Labor Day found me in Ocean City, Maryland for Sessions by the Sea. Kenny N of Dicobe Recording graciously hosted Hotchkiss Publishing allowing me to set up in his space to sell Dear Friend and Steps & Stories. It was yet another opportunity to meet Friends & fans of Sandy and hear stories of how his words had helped them with their recovery and to better work the Steps. I later made two trips to DC which is Ground Zero as far as Sandy's legacy is concerned. I attended the Rally to Face Addiction on the first trip and spoke at a Caron meeting on the second. I had the good fortune to have lunch with people very close to Sandy.

Now I am looking forward to my first trip of 2016 as I head to Bismarck, ND for the Rule 62 Woodstock event January 15-17th Then on to San Diego to visit family and a number of bookstores. Next I will be driving the East Coast to visit friends, meetings, and bookstores. I hope to see many of you along the way.

NEWS FLASH - Sandy wrote just enough Dear Friend letters for one more volume. So please look for Dear Friend II sometime around early March.

Do you have a suggestion for the next book? Another book from Sandy's many talks? Or if you or someone you know is writing a recovery/spiritual book I would love the opportunity to speak with them.

Thank you one and all for the wonderful support you have given me in the past year and the encouragement to continue with this work.

Feel free to email me or call.


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